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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Taking it to the next level

My Google Tools class is coming to a close on Monday.  It's been a lot of work, but it has also been exciting to think of all the ways that I can use these tools in the upcoming school year & beyond.  I've been able to connect with other educators in the district & have gotten a chance to see how they plan to use these tools in their curriculum.  It has been great to get their feedback, and the validation of all the hard work is priceless.  Talk about positive reinforcement!  I have another blog that I use for my students but it is also viewed by other educators, but I have never gotten the affirmation that hard work pays off like I have in the past couple of weeks.  I'm looking forward to utilizing the Google Tools I have learned about in the 2011-2012 school year..I've already created 3 lesson plans (1 for each class/subject area I am teaching next year) and it was very easy to integrate the skills I have learned and revamped some topics I have taught in the past.  I look forward to giving my lessons a facelift and implementing Google Tools as much as possible.  I have only just recently begun to explore Google Apps and am amazed at the quality and depth of their products...and most are FREE!!!  I have totally taken on a whole new point of view on  how I will incorporate technology from here on out.....I am further driven to strive to become a Google Certified Educator (when the time allows) because I see the value of learning all that Google has to offer, and I would love to be able to share with other educators & offer some professional development if the opportunity ever came up.  I am excited about taking my lessons & my experience in the classroom to the next level.....are you?

1 comment:

  1. It is tough to become a Google Certified Teacher. I tried a few years back in DC. I thought my movie was great (really was below average in hindsight). Anyhow, my submission was lost in a sea of like 50 thousand (don't quote that number) and they only let in a few hundred. Next time the Google Machine comes near New York, let's collaborate on the best movie ever.
