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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Forms....FANTASTIC!

I've been pretty busy the past couple of keeps me running around and away from all things tech until I get home at night...and by then I'm pretty beat.  However, having to keep up w/the course workload, today I took on Google Forms and found it super easy to use, visually appealing, and I think its great the way I can tailor the sheet to pertain to what we are covering in class.
Our assignment was to create a Google Doc that we can use with our class.  I wanted to create something that I could use fairly early in the first week of school to start off  my math & science classes so that technology is weaved throughout the curriculum from the start.  It will be the norm rather than peppered in throughout the year as I learn things.  With that I thought a survey would be a great way to get to know my students and to find out their comfort level with using is a nice gauge of where they are at, and what sorts of remediation they might need so they can use the computers, websites etc. independently.   I also incorporated some questions into the survey to find out about their home environment, study skills,  and what might be a roadblock for them...not having a computer at home, no one to check their homework, they even know HOW to study?  I made almost of the of the questions mandatory and left a lot of options for OTHER so students can add their own "voice" to their survey.  I'm really hoping I get a lot out of information/insight out of this & that the kids really love this approach rather than a worksheet.
Let me know what you think of the survey... How would you streamline it to make it appropriate for your class?


  1. Lauren,

    This is a fantastic example of so many 21st century skills. You are creating the type of environment that any student will excel in. I filled one out so that you can start to play with some of the gadgets & scripts that can be included in your docs. There are so many I haven't even messed with all of them. You ahve set the bar high! Thanks

  2. hmmm if you filled one out wouldn't I see the results in the spreadsheet in google docs? Thanks for the feedback...I'm really excited to try these out this coming school year!

  3. Very cool survey. I actually made a similar version for parents. It's always a good thing to get base-line information about the students and/or parents and then plan our instructional efforts accordingly.
